Monday, February 20, 2017

Finding Mistakes=Learning

Do your students like to find mistakes in your work?  Mine often did!  This Notebook document is full of real-world images that contain mathematical errors.  

Starting your workshop with one of these every now and then would be a great way to get your students engaged and relating math to the world around them.  It should also teach them to look closely and analyze prices that they encounter; not to just be lured in by the SALE sign.

You might take this a step further and challenge your students to bring in mistakes that they find out and about town.

Download the Notebook file here:
What's wrong with this photo?

I also used mistakes in class for all of my students to grow.  I presented math problems and then asked the students to find my mistake.  They had to identify my mistake, write a quick explanation, and then resolve the problem to get the correct answer.  This document contains pages that I used with my 3rd graders, but other grades might be able to use a few of these.  Hopefully, it will give you some ideas to create for your own classroom.  

Download the PDF here:
What's My Mistake?

Finally, please note that I changed the address of this blog.  It is located in my email signature, but should be easier to remember now, too.