These websites are some that will help build an understanding of the math content standards. They are focused on the core and usually are a Depth of Knowledge 1. They mainly consist of online games, interactives, lessons, and songs/videos.
K.CC.4: Demonstrates 1 to 1 correspondence with steps
K.CC.2: Demonstrates 1 to 1 correspondence with manipulatives
K.OA.4: Adds on using numbers 1-10 with steps
K.OA.1: Adds on using numbers 1-10 with manipulatives
K.CC.1: Demonstrates counting to 100 by 1s and 10s
K.CC.4: Has 1 to 1 correspondence for numbers 1-30
K.OA.3, K.OA.5: Understands combinations up to 10
- GAME: Tugboat Addition
- GAME: Bonds of Ten
- Break Apart
- Mathterpieces by Greg Tang
- Beginning Concepts of numbers and addition module
- Building Fluency using combinations of 10
- Counting Stories performance task
- Pairs that Make Ten performance task
- Two Numbers performance task
- Splat 1.1
- DESMOS: 10 Frame Addition
K.CC.5: Recognizes number groups without counting
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- GAME: ThumbleDots
- GAME: Concentration
1st Grade:
1.OA.1: Uses addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems
- Illustrative Mathematics: Solving word problems within 20
- Achieve the Core:Solving Addition Math Stories
- MathCuts: Addition and Subtraction Problems
- Creating and Solving Word Problems performance task
- DEFINED STEM: Morris Goes Shopping
- DESMOS: Troublesome Turkeys
- DESMOS: Bar Models
- DESMOS: Snakes at the Zoo
1.OA.3: Uses commutative and associative property to solve addition problems
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20 demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10
- GAME: Island Chase (subtraction)
- GAME: Minus Mission (subtraction)
- GAME: Alien Addition
- GAME: Jet Ski Addition
- GAME: Tugboat Addition
- GAME: Bonds of Ten
- GAME: The Game of More
- GAME: 123 Nim on a Ten Frame
- Math Flips: Plus or Minus 1 within 10
- Math Flips: Make Ten cards
- Math Flips: Count on with 10 cards
- Math Flips: Counts on within 20 cards
- What's Missing?
- Mathterpieces by Greg Tang
- Addition Practice Links
- Subtraction Practice Links
- Two Numbers performance task
- Be a Smart Calculator performance task
- Splat 1.3
- DESMOS: Ten Frame Make 10
- DESMOS: How did they count the 10 dots?
- DESMOS: 3 Act--Bubble Trouble
- DESMOS: 10 Frame Make 20
- DESMOS: Number Bonds: Finding the Parts (Up to 10)
1.OA.7: Understands the meaning of the equal sign
1.NBT.1: Reads, writes and counts numbers to 120
1.NBT.5: Mentally finds 10 more/less
- GAME: 10 less soccer game
1.MD.1: Order and compare object lengths
2nd Grade:
2.OA.1: Represents and solves word problems involving addition and subtraction within 100
2.OA.2: Adds within 20
- GAME: Alien Addition
- GAME: Jet Ski Addition
- GAME: The Game of More
- Math Flips: Doubles and Near Doubles cards
- Math Flips: Counts on within 20 cards
- Interactive Number Line
- Target Numbers
- Break Apart
- What's Missing?
- Number Bonds 11-19 music/move
- Addition Practice Links
- Achieve the Core: Foundations for facts within 20
- Sums and Differences to 20 Module
- Splat 2.1
- DESMOS: Addition Shapes
- DESMOS: Adding Whole Numbers
- DESMOS: Shut the Box
2.OA.2: Subtracts within 20
- GAME: Island Chase
- GAME: Minus Mission
- Interactive Number Line
- Break Apart
- LearnZillion: Demonstrating fluency in addition and subtraction
- Achieve the Core: Foundations for facts within 20
- Subtraction Practice Links
- Sums and Differences to 20 Module
- Splat 5.1
2.OA.3: Determines whether a group of objects are odd or even
2.NBT.1: Uses place value concepts to represent amounts of hundreds, tens and ones
2.NBT.2: Counts within 1000 and skip counts by 5s, 10s, and 100s
- GAME: Number Bubble Skip Counting
- GAME: Skip Counting Game Show
- GAME: Skip Counting Game
- GAME: Skip Counting by 5s-Empire State Building
- GAME: Treasure Hunt
- Math Appeal by Greg Tang
2.NBT.5: Fluently adds and subtracts within 100
2.MD.8: Works with money
- GAME: Cash Out
- GAME: Dolphin Feed
- GAME: Coin Bubble
- GAME: Penny, Nickel, Dime
- Illustrative Mathematics: Solving problems involving money
- NumberRock: Coins
- Read Aloud: How the 2nd grade got $8205.50 to Visit the Statue of Liberty video
- DEFINED STEM: Choosing our Zoo Adventure II
- DEFINED STEM: Pizza Party
- DESMOS: Polygraph: US Coins
- DESMOS: Piles of Change
3rd Grade:
3.OA.3: Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems
3.OA.5: Understands and applies properties of multiplication
- GAME: Math Multiplication Properties Basketball
- Study Jams!--Distributive Property
- Commutative Property of Multiplication
- MathCuts: Distributive Property models
- Partial Products Interactive Tool
- DESMOS: Card Sort Number Properties
- DESMOS: Slicing Arrays
- DESMOS: Exploring Multiplication Properties Using Area Models
3.OA.7: Fluently multiplies and divides within 100
- GAME: Number Bubble Skip Counting
- GAME: Multiplication games (many by family)
- GAME: Grand Prix Multiplication
- GAME: Tractor Multiplication
- GAME: Demolition Division
- GAME: Under the Sea Multiplication Practice
- GAME: Concentration
- GAME: Bunny Times
- GAME: Space Race
- GAME: Factris
- GAME: Treasure Hunt
- Math Flips: 2, 5, and 10 cards
- Math Flips: 4, 6, and 8 cards
- Math Flips: 3 and 6 cards
- Math Flips: 9 and 4 cards
- Math Flips: Hardest Facts cards
- What's Missing?
- The Best of Times by Greg Tang
- Illustrative Mathematics: Multiply and divide within 100
- Achieve the Core: Multiplication and the meaning of the factors
- Everybody Wins!
- Multiplication and Division Module
- Multiplication Table Sums
- Splat 3.1
- DESMOS: Understanding Arrays
- DESMOS: How Many Peaches?
- DESMOS: Multiplication and Division Card Sorts
- DESMOS: Arrays for 2,5, and 10
- DESMOS: Multiplication with Arrays: Building on 2s and 5s
- DESMOS: Visual Number String/Candy
- DESMOS: Mutliplication Arrays
- DESMOS: Area of Rectangles
- DESMOS: Andy's Bugs
- DEFINED STEM: Journey to Mathematica
3.NBT.2: Fluently adds and subtracts within 1000 using multiple methods
3.NF.1: Understand fractions when a whole is partitioned equally
- GAME: Puzzle Pics Fractions
- GAME: Fraction Concentration
- LearnZillion: Understanding Unit Fractions
- NumberRock: Fractions
- Math Learning Center Fraction app
- DESMOS: Introducing Fractions
- DESMOS: Shading Fractions
- DESMOS: Polygraph: Shaded Rectangles
- DESMOS: What Fraction Am I?
- DESMOS: Glasses of Water
- DESMOS: Falling Fractions
3.NF.2: Understands fractions on a number line
- GAME: Battleship Numberline
- GAME: Fraction Dig
- GAME: Puzzle Pics Fractions
- GAME: The Fraction Game
- GAME: Equivalent Fractions
- Illustrative Mathematics: Understanding fractions on a number line
- Fractions on a Number Line Module
- Exploring Equivalent Fractions
- Visual Fractions
- DESMOS: Fractions on a Number Line
- DESMOS: Ordering Fractions on a Number Line
- DESMOS: Fractions on a Number Line (advanced)
- DESMOS: Number Line: Fractions between 0 and 1
3.MD.1: Tells time to the minute
- GAME: Bang on Time
- GAME: Telling Time Practice
- StudyJams!--Telling Time
- Illustrative Mathematics: Telling time
- DESMOS: Polygraphs-Clocks
- DESMOS: Telling Time
- DESMOS: Talking Time
3.MD.1: Uses elapsed time
- 3.MD.3: Draw a scaled picture graph and bar graph to represent data
- GAME: Creating a pictograph
- GAME: Interpret pictographs
- Study Jams! Pictographs
- Illustrative Mathematics: Draw a scaled pictograph
- Data Module
- Make your own pictograph
- Create a bar graph
- DESMOS: Counting Change
3.MD.4: Measures to nearest ½ and ¼ inch
- Study Jams! Measuring length
- LearnZillion: Using fractions in measurement
- Illustrative Mathematics: Measuring and creating a line plot
3.MD.4: Creates a line plot with measurement data
- Line Plot Interactive
- Creating a Line Plot
- Study Jams!--Line Plots
- Illustrative Mathematics: Measuring and creating a line plot
- Data Module
- VIDEO: Line Plots for Kids
3.G.1: Categorizes shapes by attributes
- Study Jams!--Classify Quadrilaterals
- GAME: Shape Concentration
- Illustrative Mathematics: Sorting shapes
- NumberRock: Quadrilaterals
- Interactive Read Aloud: The Greedy Triangle video
- DESMOS: Polygraph--Quadrilateral Attributes
4th Grade:
4.OA.2: Solves multiplicative comparison word problems
4.OA.3: Solves multi-step word problems
4.OA.4: Identifies factors, multiples, and prime/ composite numbers
- Study Jams!--Multiples
- Study Jams!--Prime and Composite Numbers
- Study Jams!--Prime Factorization
- GAME: Factorize!
- GAME: Factor Game
- GAME: Product Game
- GAME: Times Square
- GAME: Factris
- GAME: Treasure Hunt
- LearnZillion; Exploring multiples and factors
- Illustrative Mathematics: Recognizing prime and composite numbers
- Figure This!--Challenge 31
- Prime Climb
- NumberRock: Square, Composite, Prime
- DESMOS: Polygraph:Factors and Mutliples Dot Patterns
- DESMOS: The Sieve of Eratosthenes
4.NBT.2: Reads, writes, and compares multi-digit whole numbers
4.NBT.3: Rounds multi-digit whole numbers to any place
4.NBT.4: Adds and subtracts multi-digit whole numbers using a standard algorithm
4.NF.2: Compares fractions
- GAME: The Fraction Game
- GAME: Dirt Bike Fractions
- Study Jams!--Equivalent Fractions
- Study Jams!--Ordering Fractions and Decimals
- GAME: Equivalent Fractions
- GAME: Fraction Joust
- LearnZillion: Understanding fraction equivalence and comparison
- Achieve the Core: Human-sized number lines
- Exploring Equivalent Fractions
- Fraction Scale
- NumberRock: Equivalent Fractions
- DESMOS: Equivalent Fractions
- DESMOS: Equivalent Fractions and Number Lines
- DESMOS: Fraction Talk
- DESMOS: Equivalent Fractions: Similarities and Differences
- DESMOS: Exploring, Comparing, and Finding Equivalent Fractions
4.NF.6: Writes fractions as decimals
- Study Jams!--Decimals and Fraction Equivalents
- Illustrative Mathematics: Writing fractions as decimals
- DESMOS: Hundredths and Tenths Comparison Sliders
- DESMOS: Fraction Decimal Farm
- DESMOS: Fraction/Decimal Card Sort
4.MD.3: Solves for area and perimeter
- Study Jams!--Perimeter
- GAME: Perimeter Climber
- Problem Solving with Area and Perimeter
- Area and Perimeter Interactive
- Area of a Rectangle
- Illustrative Mathematics: Solve problems with area and perimeter
- Figure This--Challenge 39
- NumberRock: Area and Perimeter
- Tiled Area Problems
- DESMOS: Area of Rectangles
- DESMOS: Changing Dimensions
- DESMOS: Decomposing Rectilinear Figures
- DEFINED STEM: Cartoon Character Contest
- DEFINED STEM: Jungle Geo Amusement Park
4.MD.5: Identifies angles
- Study Jams!--Measure Angles
- Study Jams!--Classify Angles
- GAME: Slam Ball
- GAME: Alien Angles
- LearnZillion: Angle measurement
- Illustrative Mathematics: Understand concepts of angle measurement
- Figure This! Challenge
- NumberRock: Angles
- Math Antics Video: Angles
4.G.1: Draws and identifies points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines
- Study Jams!--Types of Lines
- Line Segments on the Geoboard
- NumberRock: Lines
- DEFINED STEM: Go Fly a Kite
- DESMOS: Geometry Basics
4.G.3: Identifies and draws lines of symmetry
5th Grade:
5.OA.1: Evaluates numerical expressions
5.OA.3: Analyzes patterns and relationships
5.NBT.2: Identifies patterns in place value
- Study Jams--Place Value
- Illustrative Mathematics: Identifying patterns
- Place Value and Decimal Fractions Module
- Math Antics Video: Place Value
5.NBT.3: Reads, writes, and compares decimals
- GAME: PlaceValue and Rounding Decimals games
- Study Jams!--Ordering Fractions and Decimals
- Study Jams!--Place Value of Fractions
- Fractions, Decimals, Percents
- LearnZillion: Expanding understanding of place value to decimals
- Figure This!--Challenge 14
- DESMOS: Decimal Place Value
- DESMOS: Hundredths and Tenths Comparison Sliders
5.NBT.4: Rounds decimals to the thousandths
5.NBT.5: Multiplies whole numbers using a standard algorithm
- Illustrative Mathematics: Fluently multiplies numbers
- DESMOS: Multi-Digit Multiplication
- DESMOS: Area Model Multiplication
- DESMOS: Breakout!
- DESMOS: Two-Digit Multiplication--Card Sort
- DESMOS: Multiplication Mania
- DESMOS: Multiplying Visually
- DEFINED STEM: Ice Cream Stand
- DEFINED STEM: Summer Camp
- GAME: The Fraction Game
- Study Jams!--Adding fractions with common denominators
- LearnZillion: Using equivalent fractions to add and subtract
- Illustrative Mathematics: Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
- Achieve the Core Lesson
- Achieve the Core: Leapfrog Fractions
- Fraction Splat 11.1
- DESMOS: Adding Fractions: Finding Common Denominators
- DESMOS: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
- DESMOS: The Fraction Challenge
- DESMOS: Mixed Number Challenge
- DESMOS: 3 Act--Not Enough Eggs!
5.NF.2: Solves word problems by adding and subtracting fractions
5.NF.3: Interprets division of whole numbers as fractions
5.NF.4: Multiplies fractions by whole numbers or fractions
5.MD.1: Converts within a measurement system
5.MD.4: Measures volume (not a priority standard)
- Study Jams!--Volume
- Cubes
- LearnZillion: Understanding Volume
- LearnZillion: Solving problems involving volume
- Figure This!--Challenge 62
- Cube Conversations
5.G.2: Graphs points on a coordinate plane
- Graphing on a coordinate plane
- GAME: Plotter the Penguin
- LearnZillion: Exploring the Coordinate Plane
- DESMOS: Battle Boats
- DESMOS: Mini Golf Marbleslides
- DESMOS: Introduction to the Coordinate Plane
5.G.3: Understands categories of 2D figures
- Illustrative Mathematics: Understanding figure attributes
- DESMOS: Quadrilaterals game (advanced)
- DESMOS: Quadrilaterals game
- DESMOS: Polygraph: Hexagons
- DESMOS: Polygraph: Polygons
- DESMOS: Geometric Markings
Review of Multiple 5th grade targets
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