Resources to Support CCSS

These websites are some that will help build an understanding of the math content standards.  They are focused on the core and usually are a Depth of Knowledge 1.  They mainly consist of online games, interactives, lessons, and songs/videos.

K.CC.4:  Demonstrates 1 to 1 correspondence with steps
K.OA.4:  Adds on using numbers 1-10 with steps
K.OA.3, K.OA.5:  Understands combinations up to 10
K.CC.5:  Recognizes number groups without counting

1st Grade:
1.OA.6:  Add and subtract within 20 demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10
1.NBT.5:  Mentally finds 10 more/less

2nd Grade:
2.OA.2:  Adds within 20
2.OA.2:  Subtracts within 20
2.NBT.2:  Counts within 1000 and skip counts by 5s, 10s, and 100s
2.MD.8:  Works with money

3rd Grade:
3.OA.5:  Understands and applies properties of multiplication
3.OA.7:  Fluently multiplies and divides within 100
3.NBT.2:  Fluently adds and subtracts within 1000 using multiple methods
3.NF.1:  Understand fractions when a whole is partitioned equally
3.NF.2:  Understands fractions on a number line

3.MD.1:  Tells time to the minute
3.MD.1:  Uses elapsed time

  • 3.MD.3:  Draw a scaled picture graph and bar graph to represent data
3.MD.4:  Measures to nearest ½ and ¼ inch
3.MD.4:  Creates a line plot with measurement data
3.G.1:  Categorizes shapes by attributes

4th Grade:
4.OA.4:  Identifies factors, multiples, and prime/ composite numbers
4.NBT.2:  Reads, writes, and compares multi-digit whole numbers
4.NF.2:  Compares fractions
4.NF.6:  Writes fractions as decimals
4.MD.3:  Solves for area and perimeter
4.MD.5:  Identifies angles
4.G.1:  Draws and identifies points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines
4.G.3:  Identifies and draws lines of symmetry

5th Grade:
5.OA.1:  Evaluates numerical expressions
5.NBT.2:  Identifies patterns in place value
5.NBT.3:  Reads, writes, and compares decimals
5.NF.2:  Solves word problems by adding and subtracting fractions
5.NF.3:  Interprets division of whole numbers as fractions
5.MD.1:  Converts within a measurement system
5.MD.4:  Measures volume (not a priority standard)
5.G.2:  Graphs points on a coordinate plane

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