Saturday, July 27, 2019

Using Twitter to grow

If you are looking for a way to grow as an educator this year, I would recommend becoming more active on Twitter.

I'm sure you have other social media accounts, but this one will give you so much professionally!  Remember that there was a time when you didn't know how to upload a photo to Facebook or how to use a filter in Instagram or Snapchat?  You took them on and figured them out!  You can do the same with Twitter.  It doesn't take very long to become more comfortable with the platform.

I use Twitter now mainly as a math educator, but when I first became familiar with it, I used it to gain access to technology and classroom ideas.  It is all about following others.  You'll be amazed at the number of ideas and free resources you can find!

I would also recommend trying one of the many weekly chats that are on Twitter.  The first time or two, you may want to just read others' Tweets, but after a few times, you'll be ready to give it a try.  People on Twitter are very helpful and understanding.  Here are some weekly chats that happen throughout the school year that I would recommend.

#elemmathchat   :  Thursdays at 8:00 pm CST Math leaders from around the country lead discussions of different math concepts
#mathstratchat   :  This chat is not a live chat like the others.  Pam Harris posts a problem on Thursdays, and people tweet the way that they solved it.  It is amazing to see so many flexible thinkers!
#mathconceptions   : Mondays at 8:30 pm CST  half-hour long chat with great people around fun topics
#kinderchat, #1stchat, #2ndchat...:  Search these hashtags to learn more about each grade levels chats.  They are usually weekly.

At the time of the chat, just search the hashtag and then go to Latest.  It will help you see the conversation unfold...

If you are looking for some people to follow, here are some people (mainly math people) that will get you started.  Also, most of your schools have a Twitter account.  You can follow them, too.

Give it a try!  I am happy to help you however I can. Before you know it, you'll be tweeting, retweeting, and using hashtags! #goals