Friday, October 18, 2019

Playing with Numbers

After reading the book Math Recess by Sunil Singh and Dr. Christopher Brownell, I realized the importance of giving students time to explore numbers by playing with them.  This post shares a couple of ideas for these explorations.

This book is a great read and will make you rethink your instructional practices!
Abundant Numbers:  Have students search for ABUNDANT NUMBERS.  A number is considered abundant if the sum of its divisors is greater than the number.  For example, twelve is abundant because its divisors (1,2,3,4, and 6) is greater than 12.How many can your students find?

Circular Primes:  A circular prime is one that remains prime with the relocation of the first digit to the end.    So for example, 113 is a circular prime:  113 is prime.  When I move the 1 to the end of the number, my new number is 131, which is also prime.  When I again  move the first digit to the end, I get the number 311.  It is also prime; so it means that all 3 of those numbers are CIRCULAR PRIMES.

Happy Numbers: 19 is a HAPPY NUMBER.  How do I know?  To find a happy number, square each digit and find the sum. Continue doing until you find the final number.  If it is 1, then the number is happy.  
Click here to see how I know 19 is happy!

Make it a goal to give your students some time with these ideas.  Can they find more of any type of number?  How many can your class find this week?  before winter break?  this school year?  Can they prove that the numbers they found fit the definition provided?

Let your students spend time playing and thinking about numbers.  

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