Sunday, August 28, 2016

Building Fact Fluency

Fact fluency is usually an important piece in math success.  It is recommended that you have 5-10 minutes per day involved with individual math fact practice.  I know this is hard to make work some days.  If you can't get that math fact practice in daily, maybe you can just try to get practice in more often?

I have created flashcards to help you with this. Children should use flash cards once they have the understanding of the strategy and can represent it concretely and pictorially.  Flashcards can help to lead to automaticity. These are self-checking flashcards.  Print them out and then run them back to back.  Use a hole punch to make holes where the three answer choices are.

When the students go to use them, they choose their answer and stick their pencil through the hole that they think is the answer.  They look at the back of the card, and if they are correct, the hole will have a ring around it.

These might work well at a center, or you might have students keep a set in their desk to practice when they have finished other work.  You decide how they might work best for your classroom.

There are different versions so that you are able to differentiate as necessary.  Download whichever ones you think might help you.

Addition/Subtraction Facts Under Five

Addition/Subtraction Facts--Doubles

Addition Facts--Doubles + 1

Addition/Subtraction Facts--Make Ten

Addition/Subtraction Facts--Under 20

Addition/Subtraction Facts--Extension