Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Halloween and Logic

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

This mathematical practice standard is one that needs to be practiced often with our students.  However, some of them get so flustered by the math that they can't explain their reasoning to others let alone listen to other students' ideas.

Consider trying these logic puzzles with your students.  Logic is a great way for students to practice their thinking, and it is often easier for some of our kiddos who struggle with some of our grade level content.

These logic puzzles are October/Halloween themed and vary in difficulty. They are good practice at thinking skills but also in relational words.  I have also created a document for you that has the images for the puzzles.  Often, it helps the students to have something to move around on their desk.  You can just give them a strip of pictures that matches the puzzle you are doing, they can cut the images apart, and then move them as necessary to solve the problem.

If your students like these, consider an activity where groups try to make up their own.  It is more challenging than it looks.

Please share with a colleague.  Comment below if you find other ways to use them in your classroom.

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