Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Valentines Would You Rather

I have shared with many of you the website wouldyourathermath.  It offers great opportunities for your students to reason with real math problems.  It also offers them opportunities to explain their reasoning--something that we know is difficult for students. We need to be sure to offer these opportunities to all of our students so they can begin to practice more math thinking.

You might want to offer these to your students and ask them to give verbal explanations for a while before you begin asking them to write their reasoning. Be sure to encourage the use math vocabulary as much as you can, and to explain to them that they need to use math reasoning.  (They might tell you they would buy the M & Ms instead of the Butterfinger because they don't like peanut butter, but they need to acknowledge which one is the better math deal.)

Here is a simple Valentines Would you Rather? that you might want to try with your class.  I have scaffolded the writing portion of it by offering sentence stems at the bottom.  

Would You Rather? Valentines Candy (easier version)
Would You Rather? Valentines Candy

I recommend you take the time to check out the website!  It has a lot of prepared problems that you can use, or it might spark an idea for one of your own!  If you make some and would be willing to share, send me a link or share below.  Enjoy!

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